
3 Ways to Make Your Holiday Hosting Stress-Free

Furniture Rental

Hosting the family this holiday season? We know it can be stressful to get the house ready, the food prepped, the gifts wrapped, and the lights up before everyone arrives. In honor of your sanity, we've compiled a few tips and tricks to try that we hope will make this year's family visit less stressful.

Still Living with Your Parents?

Furniture Rental

Rent To Own Furniture and Appliances Can Make It Easier For You To Move Out

Help! My Washer is in need of repair!

Rent to Own Appliances

It can be one of the most frustrating things in the world... The washer breaks down and you need to get the clothes clean today. The first thing you do, after you mop up all of the water, is search for a repairman to fix your washer.

How to Rock Your Company Christmas Party

Electronic Rental

The most important aspect of a party? Let's be honest, it's the mood. You hardly notice when it's there, but it's glaring in everyone's face when it is not. Planning a company party brings the need for 'mood' up a notch. You're coworkers, not necessarily besties. How do you create the mood and keep people at your company holiday party this December? We'd like to offer a few tips.

Friday Feature: San Miguel Bedroom Set by Million Dolor Rustic

Furniture Rental

Too often, the pretty things in life don't last all that long. Unless you're buying an antique for thousands of dollars, most "pretty" furniture won't withstand the wear and tear you and your kids will put on it.

Ideas for Fresh Christmas Decor

Rent To Own

It's Christmas time, again! Maybe you were dreading cleaning your house, but super excited to decorate afterwards. Now, you're ready to put out your special Christmas items and make the house festive, but have ZERO inspiration! We'd like to give you some ideas to add holiday cheer to your home.

Friday Feature: TPRO Rack Stereo Sys3500

rent appliance, rent electronics

Have you ever been listening to a song and found yourself completely immersed in it, to the point that it gives you chills? We all connect to music, and it can impact our mood, how we see things, how we respond to surroundings.

To Buy or To Rent-to-Own?

Rent to Own Appliances

You're moving into a new place! It's so exciting and fun; you're arranging rooms and thinking about your life in this new home. At the same time, you're thinking about how expensive the move was, and all of the things you'll need to make the new house a home. When it comes to appliances, you have two options. To buy, or to rent. Which suits you best? Here are some things to think about.

Office Productivity: Quality Lighting Matters

Furniture Rental

Have you ever been having a bad day for no apparent reason, and suddenly the sun comes out and everything is instantly better? The same applies to indoor lighting.

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